Using monad-control with monad transformers

This article assumes familiarity with monads and monad transformers. If you’ve never had an occasion to use lift yet, you may want to come back to it later.

The Problem

What is the problem that monad-control aims to solve? To answer that, let’s back up a bit. We know that a monad represents some kind of “computational context”. The question is, can we separate this context from the monad, and reconstitute it later? If we know the monadic types involved, then for some monads we can. Consider the State monad: it’s essentially a function from an existing state, to a pair of some new state and a value. It’s fairly easy then to extract its state and later use it to “resume” that monad:

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.State

main = do
    let f = do { modify (+1); show <$> get } :: StateT Int IO String

    (x,y) <- runStateT f 0
    print $ "x = " ++ show x   -- x = "1"

    (x',y') <- runStateT f y
    print $ "x = " ++ show x'  -- x = "2"

In this way, we interleave between StateT Int IO and IO, by completing the StateT invocation, obtaining its state as a value, and starting a new StateT block from the prior state. We’ve effectively resumed the earlier StateT block.

Nesting calls to the base monad

But what if we didn’t, or couldn’t, exit the StateT block to run our IO computation? In that case we’d need to use liftIO to enter IO and make a nested call to runStateT inside that IO block. Further, we’d want to restore any changes made to the inner StateT within the outer StateT, after returning from the IO action:

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

main = do
    let f = do { modify (+1); show <$> get } :: StateT Int IO String

    flip runStateT 0 $ do
        x <- f
        y <- get
        y' <- liftIO $ do
            print $ "x = " ++ show x   -- x = "1"

            (x',y') <- runStateT f y
            print $ "x = " ++ show x'  -- x = "2"
            return y'
        put y'

A generic solution

This works fine for StateT, but how can we write it so that it works for any monad tranformer over IO? We’d need a function that might look like this:

foo :: MonadIO m => m String -> m String
foo f = do
    x <- f
    y <- getTheState
    y' <- liftIO $ do
        print $ "x = " ++ show x

        (x',y') <- runTheMonad f y
        print $ "x = " ++ show x'
        return y'
    putTheState y'

But this is impossible, since we only know that m is a Monad. Even with a MonadState constraint, we would not know about a function like runTheMonad. This indicates we need a type class with at least three capabilities: getting the current monad tranformer’s state, executing a new transformer within the base monad, and restoring the enclosing transformer’s state upon returning from the base monad. This is exactly what MonadBaseControl provides, from monad-control:

class MonadBase b m => MonadBaseControl b m | m -> b where
    data StM m :: * -> *
    liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase m b -> b a) -> m a
    restoreM :: StM m a -> m a

Taking this definition apart piece by piece:

  1. The MonadBase constraint exists so that MonadBaseControl can be used over multiple base monads: IO, ST, STM, etc.

  2. liftBaseWith combines three things from our last example into one: it gets the current state from the monad transformer, wraps it an StM type, lifts the given action into the base monad, and provides that action with a function which can be used to resume the enclosing monad within the base monad. When such a function exits, it returns a new StM value.

  3. restoreM takes the encapsulated tranformer state as an StM value, and applies it to the parent monad transformer so that any changes which may have occurred within the “inner” transformer are propagated out. (This also has the effect that later, repeated calls to restoreM can “reset” the transformer state back to what it was previously.)

Using monad-control and liftBaseWith

With that said, here’s the same example from above, but now generic for any transformer supporting MonadBaseControl IO:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control

foo :: MonadBaseControl IO m => m String -> m String
foo f = do
    x <- f
    y' <- liftBaseWith $ \runInIO -> do
        print $ "x = " ++ show x   -- x = "1"

        x' <- runInIO f
        -- print $ "x = " ++ show x'

        return x'
    restoreM y'

main = do
    let f = do { modify (+1); show <$> get } :: StateT Int IO String

    (x',y') <- flip runStateT 0 $ foo f
    print $ "x = " ++ show x'   -- x = "2"

One notable difference in this example is that the second print statement in foo becomes impossible, since the “monadic value” returned from the inner call to f must be restored and executed within the outer monad. That is, runInIO f is executed in IO, but it’s result is an StM m String rather than IO String, since the computation carries monadic context from the inner transformer. Converting this to a plain IO computation would require calling a function like runStateT, which we cannot do without knowing which transformer is being used.

As a convenience, since calling restoreM after exiting liftBaseWith is so common, you can use control instead of restoreM =<< liftBaseWith:

y' <- restoreM =<< liftBaseWith (\runInIO -> runInIO f)

-- becomes...
y' <- control $ \runInIO -> runInIO f

Another common pattern is when you don’t need to restore the inner transformer’s state to the outer transformer, you just want to pass it down as an argument to some function in the base monad:

foo :: MonadBaseControl IO m => m String -> m String
foo f = do
    x <- f
    liftBaseDiscard forkIO $ f

In this example, the first call to f affects the state of m, while the inner call to f, though inheriting the state of m in the new thread, but does not restore its effects to the parent monad transformer when it returns.

Now that we have this machinery, we can use it to make any function in IO directly usable from any supporting transformer. Take catch for example:

catch :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a

What we’d like is a function that works for any MonadBaseControl IO m, rather than just IO. With the control function this is easy:

catch :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, Exception e) => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
catch f h = control $ \runInIO -> catch (runInIO f) (runInIO . h)

You can find many function which are generalized like this in the packages lifted-base and lifted-async.